Sony has been steadily adding games to its PS Plus category, especially its mid-tier offering PS Plus Extra. The collection now has some great RPGs available – from classic JRPGs with inspired turn-based combat, to sprawling Western RPGs. If you have been holding out for some of these games and happen to have PS Plus Extra, you should absolutely go and give these a look. Here are our picks for the top 15 RPGs available on PS Plus Extra Let’s see which are the best ones available on PS Plus Extra
15. AC Odyssey

It has become somewhat of a fashion to criticize Ubisoft nowadays, as the games consistently miss the mark – be it AC mirage or the less than enthusiastic (to put it mildly) response to early AC Shadows gameplay reveals. However, when it comes to RPGs, Ubisoft delivered their best with the second game in their ‘RPG trilogy’ of Origins / Odyssey / Valhalla. There was a good variety of weapons with bonuses, the skill tree was fun, the world of ancient Greece was superbly realized, and Kassandra as the protagonist with a personal story in addition to the overall templars/assassins story made us that much more invested in what was going on.
14. Disco Elysium

A very different beast to all other games on the list, yet one of the most unique RPG experiences that you can have in a game. This one has next to zero combat – however, the other parts of what elevates an RPG are there in this game in spades: skill checks, dialog trees, leveling up and so on. You take the role o a detective with no memory who wakes up one day in the world of Elysium and is eventually tasked with solving a murder. The world itself is a superbly fleshed-out one, with a lot of fascinating history and lore to discover and learn. The game landed to universal acclaim and currently sits at a score of 91 on Metacritic.
13. Remnant 2

Remnant 2 built upon the strong foundation of the first game, ironed out a few rough areas and came up with a much improved sequel in 2023. The gunplay was as smooth and infact sharper than the first, boss fights were tough and challenging without being unfair, and the world was filled with secrets and puzzles to uncover and get some really great loot. Even though the levels were procedurally generated, they were still able to put out a pretty coherent story across it. The number of archetypes was increased, leading to several build possibilities, which further added to the game’s replayability. All in all, the ‘Dark Souls but with guns’ was well and truly delivered by developer Gunfire Games, earning a spot for Remnant 2 among the top RPGs of the last 10 years.
12. Horizon: Forbidden West

A sequel that did everything that made the first entry good, and at the same time greatly expanded the scope of the world that it was set in. The world looked absolutely breathtaking the second time around, melee combat was improved enough to make it a viable build option, the number of weapons available for Aloy was increased to take an even more challenging roster of machines, and the skill tree was expanded to make all aspects of combat that much more rewarding as you progressed. This was backed again by a strong story and stellar voice performances by all involved – all good enough to earn a spot in the best RPGs of the last 10 years.
11. Monster Hunter: Rise

Monster Hunter: Rise perfects the tried and tested game structure for the series, and makes it an addictive and involving loop that is difficult to get out of once you get in. There are more materials to unlock, better upgrades to craft and tougher monsters to defeat. The combat is as responsive and rewarding as it has been in the series. The game first released on Switch in 2021, then PC in 2022 and later for all other consoles in 2023. Monster Hunter: Rise has gone on to sell more than 13 million units, making it the most successful of the series for Capcom. The next game in the series is also due for release, and is easily one of the most anticipated games of 2025.
10. Deus Ex – Mankind Divided

Deus Ex – Mankind Divided, developed by Eidos-Montreal and published by Square Enix in 2016 for PC, PS4, and Xbox One is a sequel to Deus Ex – Human Revolution, and the fifth; and the best game in the franchise. Building upon all that made the earlier games a hit, Mankind Divided brought it all together in just the right balance to make all parts shine – be it stealth, action or role-playing. The story is set in a cyberpunk future with several factions, chief among which is the Illuminati, vying to make their presence felt in a society stuck between accepting or opposing ‘augmentations’ and cybernetics. The world, and the story are also strong points for the game, and all in all enough to make the game get an entry into our top 10 RPGs of the last 10 years list.
9. Outer Worlds

Obsidian Entertainment turned up to deliver and showcase why some fans still count Fallout: New Vegas as the best entry in the Fallout series – and did that at a time when the Fallout universe stumbled bigtime with the disastrous launch of Fallout 76. Outer Worlds looks, plays and feels like a mini-Fallout game – smaller in size, but not in ambition for sure. Featuring some of the sharpest humor, memorable companions, a variety of endings, and a main character that you could shape as per your gameplay style, Outer Worlds was a deserved success with a sequel on its way in 2025.
8. Tales of Arise

A sprawling entry in the Tales Of Arise series, this one starts small, as you play a slave with no memory of your past – however, things quickly escalate and keep doing that. By the end of the game, there are world-altering stakes that you are playing for, along with a set of companions that you gather along the course of the 70-80 hour playtime. The combat is just as flashy and fun as it should be, especially once you get combos going with your companions. The game was released in 2021 by Bandai Namco for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series S/X, and won the Best RPG at the Game Awards that year.
7. Demon’s Soul Remake

Taking up a tough as nails game from the PS3 era and making it the game to showcase PS5 graphics and performance tells a lot on how big the genre that was once niche and under the radar has now become. The remake by Bluepoint Studios was nothing short of mind-blowing, with each and every frame lovingly recreated and improved upon from the original. Boletaria and all its different zones were made as inviting as they can be for old and new fans alike to step in and spend hours trying to make their way across notoriously tough bosses.
6. Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Final Fantasy 7 Remake – the 1st part of a planned trilogy based on the beloved and fan-favorite game of the Final Fantasy series, had everything that people who have experienced the original, and those new to the game would love. Seeing Midgard and all the characters fleshed out from their 1997 models to PS5 level graphics is nostalgia dialed all the way to 11 for those who played the original. The turn-based combat with the option to switch to real-time, exciting boss battles, and further adding layers to the original in the right way – all of these make Final Fantasy 7 Remake a worthy entry into the best RPG games of the last 10 years.
5. Fallout 4 & 4. Skyrim

Next on the list are 2 open-world masterpieces from Bethesda: the apocalyptic wasteland setting of Fallout 4, and then the classic sword-shield-spells world of Skyrim. Both of these are worlds that you can easily get lost in for hours and hours, and which place exploration and the joy of discovering new settlements, townships, characters and quests fun and involving in a way few games manage to do. Both the games also come with a lot of DLCs that further build on the interesting world and lore for both universes. Fallout 4 was released in 2015, while Skyrim came out in 2011. However, there are several remastered versions available for Skyrim, we recommend the Anniversary Edition that is available on PS Plus Extra. For those who have PS Plus Premium, they can also enjoy what many consider to be the best among the Fallout series: Fallout New Vegas.
3. Ghost of Tsushima

Easily the best-looking game to have come out in recent memory, Ghost of Tsushima is Sucker Punch’s version of an Assassin’s Creed game, and they absolutely nailed the feeling of being either a Samurai, or a Ninja set in Japan with various tools and skills available to play like either; or a mix of both. While the story is not the game’s selling point, with the way Japan has been recreated, it does not need to be. Especially watch out for ‘Stories’ that set up epic duels against specific bosses. Each fight happens in a unique area and the way the buildup for each of these duels plays out is something that elevates what is already a fantastic-looking game to a different level.
2. Bloodborne
There is a reason why fans keep petitioning for a remaster/remake for this Gothic masterpiece from FromSoftware. There are still annual Let’s Play Bloodborne events where the huge fanbase for the game goes back to the world of Yharnam for one more run, and it is easy to see why. Putting aside the slow, methodical combat of the Souls games, FromSoft put up a fast gameplay that rewarded an aggressive combat playstyle. But the true hero of the game is the world in which it is set in, with Eldritch monstrosities and cosmic beings straight out of an HP Lovecraft story intent on taking you apart at every possible corner and opportunity. The game was released in 2015 and has an excellent DLC The Old Hunters which also released in the same year.
1. Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt

And to nobody’s surprise, like it has been doing over all these years, Witcher 3 tops the list of the best RPGs yet again. The books first, then the video game, followed by the TV series, and now with a 4th game teaser out, the franchise looks to be going from strength to strength. The role that Witcher 3 has played in this, however, cannot be emphasized enough. The excellent PS5 upgrade, and the fact that all the DLCs which in themselves are some real neat pieces of storytelling and gameplay in general, are available on PS Plus Extra makes it a no-brainer, that if for some weird, inexplicable reason, you have yet not ventured into the world of Novigrad & the Continent- well, what are you waiting for?